رجل ترك عروسه في حفل الزفاف لأغرب سبب قد يخطر ببالك !

احصل على تحديثات في الوقت الفعلي مباشرة على جهازك ، اشترك الآن.


أرادت Qing Kao أن تعرف لأي درجة يحبها الرجل الذي سيتزوجها. لهذا وصلت إلى حفل عرسها واضعةً ماكياج امرأة عجوز.


فقد العريس الجديد Guo Chien أعصابه عندما رأى عروسه المستقبلية بهذا المنظر وطلب منها وهما في الشارع أن تعود أدراجها وتضع ماكياجاً عادياً.


وبدأ العروسان يتشاجران في وسط الشارع أمام كل المدعوين.

Pic shows: Bride Qing Kao appeared for the photo shoot with streaks grey hair and her face covered with make up to give her wrinkles and pole sking as if she had put on 50 years overnight. Chinese man Guo Chien swept his young bride off her feet when he told her he wanted to spend his life with her and for them to grow old together. But the couple ended up having a furious row when she put his claim to the test for their wedding photographs, and turned up after getting a professional make-up artist to age her by 50 years. Qing Kao, 26, appeared for the photo shoot in Shenzhen city in southeast China’s Guangdong province with streaks grey hair added and her face covered with make up to give her wrinkles and pale skin as if she had put on 50 years overnight. She told local media: "I thought he would laugh and see it as a joke but he was furious, and told me the was no way he would have photographs me looking like that. He then got in a taxi and left." The couple had agreed to have their wedding photographs taken in advance at various places around the city when they turned up for the first shoot, the groom had been shot by his wife to be#s appearance in her white wedding dress. He had insisted she go home and wash it off and put make-up on, resulting in a furious row. In the end the young woman was left alone in her dress crying and squatting down on the floor before eventually also getting a taxi back home herself. The couple HAVE reportedly not spoken since, and there is no news yet on whether the wedding is set to go ahead. (ends)

وعندما رأى أن العروس لا تريد أن تلبي طلباته، ألغى العريس الزواج وترك المكان أمام أعين كل الناس الموجودين !
فيما يلي بعض صور الماكياج الذي كانت تضعه العروس السابقة وكذلك المشاجرة بين الزوجين.

موقع آي فراشة (Ifarasha)

احصل على تحديثات في الوقت الفعلي مباشرة على جهازك ، اشترك الآن.

التعليقات مغلقة.